Kelowna Women's Shelter

Inside/Out Violence Prevention for Youth Program

Record #: KNA0111
Last Modified: 07 Jul 2020
Last Full Update: 07 Jul 2020

Contact Information

Mailing Address PO Box 20193 
RPO Towne Centre 
Kelowna, BC V1Y 9H2
Office Phone 778.478.7774 (Administration) 
250.763.1040 (24 Hour Help Line)
Crisis Phone 250.763.1040 (24 Hour Help Line)
CanadaHelps Donation Page
Primary Executive Allison Mclauchlan, Executive Director
Social Media Facebook Facebook:
Instagram Instagram:
Twitter Twitter:
YouTube YouTube:

Description & Services

Service Details - Offers an interactive group program that engages youth in identifying and addressing challenges 
- Through discussion, activities and multi-media resources encourages respectful relationships and healthy lifestyle choices, now and in the future 
- Participants explore beliefs that contribute to healthy relationships, develop tools to create a violence-free future, share ideas, express thoughts and explore feelings; focus on values that define healthy social behaviour and social networking, develop critical thinking skills that empower them to make positive choices
Eligibility Ages: 5 year(s) - 18 year(s) 
- Available to schools and community organizations 
- Presented in multi-weekly groups, single workshop or a presentation 
- Customized meet the needs of the participants 
- Age and gender appropriate
How to Apply Please call or email the office
Cost None


Located In Community Kelowna

Other Details

Languages English
Established 1996