Interior Health

Kelowna Developmental Disability Mental Health Services (DDMHS)

Record #: KNA0477
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2020
Last Full Update: 24 Jun 2020

Contact Information

Office Phone 250.469.7070
Additional Info
Social Media Facebook: 

Description & Services

Service Details - Provides specialized mental health consultation and services to individuals 14 years of age and older who have both an intellectual developmental disorder and a mental health disorder 
- A specialized team of multidisciplinary mental health professionals provides respectful and individualized assessment, intervention, and education services for adolescents and adults with co-existing intellectual developmental disorders and complex mental health needs 
- Works collaboratively with clients, families, caregivers and other supportive services to optimize individual well-being and quality of life 
- Support is voluntary and therefore a client can refuse services at any time
Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Eligibility Ages: 14 year(s) and up 
- Must be eligible for CLBC or CYSN services and be diagnosed with an intellectual disability 
- Not all people with a low IQ require DDMH services 
- Tertiary services offered by DDMHS are accessed if the complexity of the clients presentation makes it difficult for them to be served by primary and secondary mental health services such as Child and Youth Mental Health, a family practice physician, or Adult Mental Health
How to Apply Those receiving services through CLBC or CYSN, a referral may be completed by a CLBC facilitator or CYSN social worker. Individuals may also be referred by their family physician, pediatrician, Interior Health Child Assessment Network, hospital, a registered psychologist or Mental Health and Substance Use Services, provided they: 
- are 14 years or older 
- have an intellectual developmental disorder (as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition) with an IQ under 70 and low adaptive functioning 
- have developed an intellectual developmental disorder during the developmental period 
- have a mental health disorder and/or, 
- requires a mental health assessment due to a serious emotional, psychological, or psychiatric condition 
Referrals are reviewed by the DDMHS team to determine if the referral meets the program mandate * if a referral is not deemed appropriate, a team member will contact the referring party to offer alternative support options for the individual that may be available in the community


Address & Map
Community Health & Services Centre
505 Doyle Ave
Kelowna, BC V1Y 0C5
Located In Community Kelowna
Major Intersection Doyle Ave and Ellis St

Other Details

Languages English