Property Tax Deferment Program

Province of British Columbia

Record #: KNA0574
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2020
Last Full Update: 14 Feb 2020

Contact Information

Mailing Address PO Box 9475 
Office Phone 250.387.0555
Toll Free Phone 1.888.355.2700

Description & Services

Service Details Offers a low interest loan program to seniors that allows them to defer paying all or part of their property taxes on their principal residence
Eligibility Ages: 55 year(s) and up 
To qualify for this program you must: 
- be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident 
- have been living in B.C. for at least one year 
- be a registered owner of the property 
- pay property taxes for the residence to a municipality or the province 
- have and maintain a minimum equity of 25% of the property's assessed value 
- have paid all previous years' property taxes, utility user fees, penalties and interest 
- have current fire insurance for your home and all other improvements, otherwise you may be eligible based only on your land value 
If you are: 
- 55 years or older this year (only one spouse must qualify), or 
- a surviving spouse of any age, or 
- designated as a person with disabilities under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act, or 
- a person with disabilities and in the opinion of a physician, your severe mental or physical impairment: 
- is likely to continue for at least two years, and 
- directly and significantly restricts your ability to perform daily living activities, either continuously or periodically for extended periods, and 
- as a result of those restrictions, requires you to have an assistive device, the significant help or supervision of another person, or the services of an assistance animal to perform those activities 
and your property must: 
- be your principal residence 
- be classified as residential (class 1) or residential and farm (class 1 and 9)
How to Apply To apply: 
Please note: your property doesn't qualify for tax deferment if: 
- You don't meet ALL program qualifications 
-Your current year property taxes have already been paid in full 
-You owe overdue property taxes in arrears for previous years 
-It’s a second residence like a cottage, summer home or rental home 
-Your residence isn't taxed as a residential (class 1) improvement 
-You have a restrictive lien on title, such as a Certificate of Pending Litigation, Injunction, Caveat or Judgment 
-The property is taxed by a First Nation 
-The property is leased from the Crown or Municipality 
-The property shows you as a registered owner entirely "in trust", or as an executor/executrix of the will of a deceased owner, or an administrator of the estate of a deceased owner 
-It’s a float home or on stilts that doesn’t have a property title registered with the Land Title Office


Located In Community British Columbia

Other Details

Languages English