RCMP Veterans' Association
Okanagan Division

Record #:
Last Modified:
14 Feb 2020
Last Full Update:
14 Feb 2020
Contact Information
Mailing Address | c/o Sue Giffen PO Box 309 Stellar Place 710 Rutland Road North Kelowna, BC Canada V1X 3B7 |
Office Phone | 250.491.7817 |
contact@rcmpva.org | |
Website | https://rcmpva.org/ |
Additional Info | https://rcmpva.org/index.php/welcome-national-fr/association-en/default-division-introduction-en/ |
Primary Contact | Sue Giffen, Secretary, RCMP Veterans' Association; Phone: 250.491.7817; Email: sgiffen6@gmail.com |
Alternate Contact | Allan Speevak, President, RCMP Veterans' Association; Phone: 250.545.1311; Email: aspeevak@telus.net |
Primary Executive | Allan Speevak, President, RCMP Veterans' Association; Phone: 250.545.1311; Email: Aspeevak@telus.net |
Alternate Executive | Marc Tremblay, 1st Vice President, RCMP Veterans' Association; Email: 172ndbattalion@gmail.com |
Social Media | ![]() |
Description & Services
Service Details | Make new friends, share common interests and values, and keep connected to the great people that have been part of the RCMP, through social functions, sporting and recreational activities to maintain an active lifestyle. Regular notification of events, items of interest, changes to Veterans benefits, VA assistance, application of the Benefit Trust Fund and RCMP Veterans Foundation to RCMP veterans. Executive meeting minutes through a newsletter published from August to May each year. Assist fellow veterans as an Advocate or Director on the Division Board. Confidential assistance with benefit entitlements. Hospital visitations. Assistance to spouses/family with funeral arrangements, and pro9cess for continuing pension and benefits.l |
Eligibility | The RCMP Veterans' Association is a national body comprised of and representing former members of the RCMP including Civilian members, Reserve & Auxiliary members, and Federal (PSE or Municipal (ME) employees who have worked for the RCMP a minimum of 5 years. |
How to Apply | Go to the website: www.rcmpva.org Click on Association, next click on Apply for Membership. (or) Phone or email Secretary Sue Giffen at 250-491-7817 or sgiffen6@gmail.com |
Cost | Membership - $55 annually |
Meetings | Executive meetings are held monthly Sept to May, the 2nd Thursday of each month. Luncheons are held monthly Sept to May, the 2nd Saturday of each month and alternate between Kelowna and Vernon. |
Located In Community | Kelowna |
Other Details
Languages | English |
Established | 1980 |